Environmental Reporting Internship

NEW: EcoPivot Launches Environmental Reporting Internship For Young Journalists in Africa

The EcoPivot Environmental Reporting Internship is open to aspiring journalists passionate about climate action. 

Khalid Abdullahi
1 Min Read

EcoPivot, a media outlet dedicated to climate awareness, is excited to announce the launch of EcoPivot Environmental Reporting Internship. 

This unique opportunity aims to foster a new generation of environmental reporters committed to telling the critical stories of climate change in Africa. 

The reporting internship is open to aspiring journalists passionate about climate action. 

Interested candidates are encouraged to send a 300-word letter of interest to climate@ecopivot.org by 31 July.

About EcoPivot

EcoPivot is at the forefront of climate reporting in Africa, dedicated to in-depth journalism that highlights the voices and stories of those most affected by climate change. 

Recognizing the significant gap in climate reporting on the continent, EcoPivot provides a dedicated space for high-quality, personal stories about climate impacts and innovative solutions from across Africa.

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